Everyone needs a special space to both work and calm the mind. This is my external happy space.
Including a room. In order to continue writing and doing the graphic design work which produces my finished books, I needed a dedicated work space. My older daughter's room is the sewing room/art studio. Since my younger daughter hasn't used her room since 2015, I figured it's probably safe to assume she doesn't live here anymore. I began the process of making it mine this past spring & summer. Why decorate it with the color purple? A print I've owned for more than 30 years and planned to move to my new room, has hints of purple in its fabric "frame". Not too long after I began the transformation, it occurred to me I was writing prose in a purple room. I adore puns. (Along with goofy, satirical and snarky humor.) Let's just call it kismet. Rather appropriate for someone who writes stories about Fate's Champions, don't you think?